Featured Poets and Writers of "Euphoria"

Featured Poets...

Susan Fridkin:
David Henry:
Mick Goodson:
Michael Pollick:
Colin Roberts:
Nell Jenkins:
Jerry H. Jenkins:
Cynthia D'Adamo:
Michael Stephens:
Tony Spivey:
Terry B. Lee:
Pris Campbell:
LaVonne Boruk:
Alan Reynolds:
Sharran (Windwalker):
Andrena Zawinski:
Niama Leslie Williams:

Best of the Board Poets...

God's Domain by Jayne Waggoner
Best of the Board Poet for February, 2002
Impressions of a Past by Sharran (Windwalker)
Best of the Board Poet for March, 2002
So Beautiful by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for April 2002
Last Round's On Me by Lord Cameron J. Brunton
Best of the Board for May 2002
Again by Tony Spivey
Best of the Board for June 2002
Nature's Cradle by JCherr
Best of the Board Poet for July 2002
North by David Henry
Best of the Board Poet for August 2002
Sandiego, Serene by Ron Casison
Best of the Board Poet for September 2002
A Song For Harry by Cynthia D'Adamo
Best of the Board Poet for October 2002
a season for stillness by Ron Casison
Best of the Board Poet for November 2002
Resilience by Ron Casison
Best of the Board Poet for December 2002
Patchwork by Jayne Waggoner
Best of the Board Poet for January 2003
Home by Susan Fridkin
Best of the Board for February 2003
The Man That Is The Boy That Was by Lisa Shield
Best of the Board for March 2003
"Cold Comfort" by Susan Fridkin
Best of the Board for April 2003
"Falling" by Susan Fridkin
Best of the Board for May 2003
"Time Stands Still" by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for May 2003 (Tie)
"Memories" by Guy Dan Schuyler
Best of the Board for June 2003
"Back Porch Chimes by Lisa Anderson
Best of the Board for July 2003
"Storm" by Jayne Waggoner
Best of the Boaard for August 2003
"Carefree" by D. C. Vision
Best of the Board for September 2003
"Artist" by Jane Waggoner
Best of the Board for October 2003
"Angel in the Looking Glass" by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for November 2003
"The Black" by Albee Rodney
Best of the Board for December 2003
"When Water Breaks" by Journull
Best of the Board for January 2004
"Medicine Man" by Smokedance
Best of the Board for February 2004
"Forevermore" by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for March 2004
"Intoxicating" by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for April 2004
"God Intention" by Guy Dan Schuyler
Best of the Board for May 2004
"As Drops Another Petal" by Lisa Anderson
Best of the Board for June 2004
"Stripped" by JEF
Best of the Board for July 2004
"The Wake" by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for August 2004
"Uncertainty" by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for September 2004
October's Magic Breath by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for October 2004
Randomness by Phoebe
Best of the Board for November 2004
Bittersweet by Lisa Shields
Best of the Board for December 2004
Reach Out by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for January 2005
Ocean Ballad by Daniel Sears
Best of the Board for February 2005
Walking On The Clouds by Guy Dan Schuyler
Best of the Board for March 2005
Ode To April by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for April 2005
Sok River by Steven Collicoat
Best of the Board for May 2005
This Morning in Italy by Steven Collicoat
Best of the Board for June 2005
Beyond Eternity by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for July 2005
The Sign by Jim Cherr
Best of the Board for August 2005
Empty Pockets by Sharran Windwalker
Best of the Board for September 2005
A New Morning by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for October 2005
Peace by Stephen Collicoat
Best of the Board for November 2005
True To Yourself by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for December 2005
Dancing Flowers Sonnet...
Best of the Board for January 2006
That Old Train...by Windwalker (Sharran)
Best of the Board for February 2006
A Journey of the Spirit...by Windwalker(Sharran)
Best of the Board for March 2006
A Day Without you...by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for April 2006
Echoes Of Life by Windwalker (Sharran)
Best of the Board for May 2006
Lady Of The Lake by JCherr
Best of the Board for June 2006
Folding Away by Lisa Shields
Best of the Board for July 2006
Unreachable Spaces by Mara Broadaway
Best of the Board for August 2006
Salt Flats by Lisa Shields
Best of the Board for September 2006
New Wonder of Life by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for October 2006
Frosted by Jayanthi Manoj
Best of the Board for November 2006
Oh, So True by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for December 2006
No Hiding by Marie Calhoun
Best of the Board for January 2007
Tombstone by Carole Conner Davis
Best of the Board for February 2007
Spring Back by Lisa Shields
Best of the Board for March 2007
Life's Canvas by Sharran Windwalker
Best of the Board for April 2007

Euphoria's Annual Poetry Contest Winners

2000 Winner, Michael Pollick, for his poem: "Make Believe Ballroom"
2002 Winner, Andrena Zawinski, for her poem: "The Largeness of Flowers"
N'namdi Arinze, 2003 Winner for his poem: "rememberance of being"
Niama Williams, 2003 Second Prize winner for her poem: "Night People"
Kirsten Shoshanna Traynor, 2004 Winner for her poem : "From a Daughter To Her Father"
Syrinjay Chakravarti, 2005 First Prize Winner: All in a Day's Work...
Hann-Shuin Yew, 2005 Second Prize Winner: "Livia"
Carole Bugge " 2006" First Prize Winner: "in The Woods"
Regina Murray Brault "2007" First Prize Winner: "At Either End of the Web"
Toni Giarnese "2008" First Prize Winner: "In 1898"

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